It is vital that teachers are offered a dedicated programme of continuous professional development in [Music Technology] for it to be taught effectively. 

DfE, Music in Education review

We offer a tailored CPD experience for Music Teachers to support their professional development through an effective and practical approach. These CPD can be useful to any music educator (classroom or peripatetic teachers) interested in developing aspects of their profession. 

CPD Offer

Music technology in Education

Conducting and Arranging for School Ensembles

Music production for GCSE and A-level

Introducing Music technology in the Curriculum: (KS1 to KS5)

School Ensemble arranging and conducting

  • How to write for school ensemble

  • How to use technology in support of ensembles

  • Notation software, DAW

  • Repertoire choice

  • Arranging techniques

  • How to rehearse effectively, maximising engagement

  • Basics of inclusive, creative leadership

  • Conducting techniques for school ensembles

  • SEND support in music

  • Agency and social interaction

For: Classroom teachers, Peripatetic teachers, Head of Music, SEND support

Setting: Primary and Secondary

Format: In person or Online

Music production & Composition for GCSE and A-level

  • Role of the composer: past vs now

  • Integrate Music technology in your lesson planning

  • Resources and what softwares to use

  • DAW vs notation

  • Composition techniques

  • How to support your students and maximise their creative output

  • Brief vs free composition: common issues

  • Blueprint and flowchart of student support

For: Classroom teachers, Peripatetic teachers, Head of Music, Music technology assistants, Music technicians, SEND support

Setting: Secondary, FE

Format: In person or Online

Introducing Music technology in school: KS1 to KS5

  • How to improve your Music technology proficiency

  • Available software (free and subscription based)

  • Free resources

  • Integrate Music technology in your lesson planning

  • Foster creativity through Music technology

  • Support SEND learning through Music technology

  • How to start a Music tech club

For: Classroom teachers, Peripatetic teachers, Head of Music, Music technology assistants, Music technicians, SEND support

Setting: Primary and Secondary

Format: In person or Online

Music technology in Education

  • Where we are: NPME, DfE, Music Business

  • Potential of Music technology: inclusivity, SEND, reach, engagement

  • How to apply technology to your teaching and lesson plans 

    • The use of DAW for lesson planning or music lessons

    • How to choose a DAW for your needs 

    • The use of software for theory, aural skills, GCSE and A-Level

    • Digital resources (free and subscription) 

    • Technology to support learning, composition, arranging, combined arts

    • The future of AI

For: Classroom teachers, Peripatetic teachers, Head of Music, Music technology assistants, Music technicians, SEND support

Setting: Primary and Secondary

Format: In person or Online

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DfE - Music in Education review 

10.3 [...] It is important that English schools remain at the vanguard of the use of technology in the teaching of music and that we are open to the use of technology to deliver new ways of engaging students.

10.4 Separately, the resources available to support the teaching of Music Technology as a subject should be closely monitored, to ensure that the latest developments and practices are available to schools, teachers and pupils. It is vital that teachers are offered a dedicated programme of continuous professional development in this subject for it to be taught effectively. 

Recommendation 33: As part of the National Music Plan, further work should be undertaken to develop a national plan for the use of technology in the delivery of Music Education - and to ensure that the workforce is up-to-date with latest developments. This review should examine how technology could enable better teaching of music (particularly in rural communities)  as well as ways in which new methods of creating music that embrace technological innovation are taught in the classroom. 

Extracts from the Musicians’ Union: A review of Music Education in England (2019) 

10. Music Technology should be an integral part of music education both in and out of the classroom. It should not be annexed inꢀany future NPME but, rather, should be an integral part of each element moving forwards.